Guy Christmas Gifts

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If you’re struggling to find a unique Christmas gift to give to someone – join the crowd. A lot of people end up strolling down the aisle of some store looking at every little thing that is cute, funny or strangely different. There’s certainly no shortage around the holiday time of things that go whirr, buzz or that giggles. But, just because it does something a bit unusual, does that mean you should give it to Uncle Joe?
Maybe, and maybe not.
Yeah, sure, Uncle Joe is tired of getting a box of socks from you every year, so you’re determined to find something that will literally “knock his socks off” as a gift. It’s great that you want to do something different, but now you’re stuck trying to figure out exactly what different kind of thing to get him. If you’re just randomly looking at anything and everything, then it’s not gonna be easy.
I mean Chia planters are popular during the holidays, and they’re unique and unusual, but who actually wants one?
Before we go gift shopping for Uncle Joe, let’s take into account his personality, work environment and leisure activities. Joe is in his 60s and works as a manager in a manufacturing plant. He’s had the same job for forty years. In his leisure time he likes to work with his hands and has various projects around the house. He’s definitely a “do it yourself” type of guy. He’s a down to earth person who is warm and quick to smile. He has lots of friends and enjoys watching football.