Handmade Christmas Gifts

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t's that time of year again and you're looking for a way to save some money at Christmas time. One way to not only save money but make your Christmas gifts a bit more personal is to give out homemade Christmas gifts. Making gifts for family and friends can be very rewarding and will also make sure that you are giving an original gift that they have never received before. Read on to find out a few homemade Christmas gift ideas that should help you get started.
Gift Basket - Find a good size basket line it with colored tissue paper, red and green work well. Then make up a theme for the gift basket. If you are making this for a female then you can get some nice bath soaps and crystals. Add in a few scented candles and a nice bath towel or robe, add in a nice book and you have a great gift ready to go. If it's for a male then you can go with some wine glasses, and a nice bottle of wine, or some beer mugs and a six pack of their favorite beer. The point here is to find out what the person likes and just add that to your homemade Christmas gift basket.