Best Gifts For 2011

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Graduation, whether it is from high school or college, is most generally one of the biggest achievements in anyones life. Because of this, it is common that family and friends want to reward the person with a graduation gift of some type. However, instead of going with the same old tried and true graduation gifts this year, why not choose a unique graduation gift for the graduate in your life? Here are just a few of the top unique graduation gifts for 2011.
Probably one of the most popular unique graduation gift for 2011 for a high schooler would be a college prep pack. This pack, can contain a variety of different items from towels, food, and even items that tie into the college theme of the college that they will be attending. Try to think of things that your graduate is going to need, not want. You can always send the want items at a later time. Including gift cards to the campus book store would also be a great help for the graduate so that they purchase things such as supplies and books. Let your imagination run, and try to think of things that you needed when you started down your own college path.